What is a Function?
- is a block of code that encapsulates with self contained behavior.
- is a set of organized instructions towards specific functionality.
- code inside it runs only when it needed.
- creates reusable code.
- Declaration is declared when function created means we can call function before it is defined.
function name (param1, param2) {
code block.....
it includes-
- Function keyword
- Function Name
- Parameters -Functions takes input from here and param act as local placeholder variables for value which pass into function as an input at the time of function invocation.
- Code block -Main body with code statement.
Lets call a function-
function greeting(name) {
console.log("Hello " + name + "!");
o/p-> Hello Arif!
It has-
- name -> parameter ->placeholder
- Arif -> argument ->value at the invocation time
- Created function and assigned it to variable, it does not have name means we must define function before we call it.
const name= function(firstName){
return "Hello "+ firstName
- We have taken a variable to store the function.
- So to call this function we will use variable name-
so both can be written as below-
function declaration(){
return "a declaration function"
let functionExp=function(){
return "a function expression"
Few differences between declaration and expression-
- Declarations are hoisted means we can call a function before it is defined but Expressions are not hoisted.
- In Declaration we have to wait until entire script has been parsed while in Expression we can use function immediately after defined.
- Declaration can't be used as an argument to another function while Expression can be used.
- Declaration can't anonymous while Expression can be anonymous.
- Declaration code is more readable.
- Expression code is more flexible as assign to different variable. We can use same function in different place.